Compassion Projects

Ever wonder if you could help others – even just a little? Been waiting for an opportunity?

We’d love to tell you about some of the projects that we’re running this season.

Our teams are open to anyone who wants to make a difference & give a helping hand. 



Got too much going on to be able to commit time on a regular basis?

Life is busy but you’d still like to help out every now and again?

We run compassion projects that you can get involved in whenever it suits you.

You can help every time or once in a blue moon. 



Just sign up for the projects you’re interested in and we’ll contact you when it’s on

Contact us if you’re available – if not no worries we’ll text again next time

If you ever want to leave the contact list just let us know

stc Paint brushes.pngDIY & Gardening Project

Would you like to join a team who do DIY and gardening projects for the
elderly, disabled or otherwise vulnerable people.

This is usually every 6 weeks and is in partnership with Serve the City - Contact Us for detail of the next date.

You don’t need to be an expert.  You can help out whenever it suits you.


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Women's Refuge Welcome Packs

Sometimes women in the Refuge have had to leave home in a hurry, not able to pack some of the basics they need. We would like to ensure that a Welcome Pack is available for them when they arrive at the Women’s Refuge.

You can help by donating items or helping to make up Welcome Packs.  Collect items with friends, in your work, school or neighbourhood.  We can provide a collection box & leaflets.

Please click here for list of suggestion for Welcome Pack

Donations for Welcome Packs can be brought to us in Clondalkin Leisure Centre any Sunday from 10.30am to 12.30 

Welcome pack next delivery will be announced soon.